MultiBeast 2.1.0 Update

Today MultiBeast is updated to version 2.1.0.  This update is recommended for all users.  We've tested and retested all options to make sure this is the best MultiBeast yet.  And we've added a few nice new features:
  • PCI Root ID fix for GraphicsEnabler
  • ATI 5xxx beta Drivers
  • Realtek R8169 Official 32-bit drivers
  • VoodooHDA 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.2.56 and 0.2.61
  • Added to ATI 4800 Patch every ATI 48xx device id from AMD Developer site
  • Added to ATI 5000 Support every ATI 5xxx device id from AMD Developer site
If this utility has helped you, please consider a contribution to support further MultiBeast development.  Thanks in advance, and enjoy!

-tonymacx86 & MacMan
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tonymacx86 Public Service Announcement: Software Update

Music and animation by Adamsmasher. Enjoy!

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tonymacx86 Public Service Announcement: Kexts

Music and animation by Adamsmasher. Enjoy!

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tonymacx86 Public Service Announcement: DSDT

The first in a series of tonymacx86 Public Service Announcements. Music and animation by Adamsmasher. Enjoy!
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tonymacx86 Blog

Hey everyone- just a quickie note to let you know why I've renamed the blog to just tonymacx86 Blog. When I started back in November, the primary focus was P55 boards, and how to gain full capability with those specific systems and CPUs.  But now iBoot + MultiBeast has opened the tonymacx86 Community up to more diverse systems, and it just didn't seem to fit anymore. 

In other news, as of July 12th, the tonymacx86 Forum is 6 months old!  Thanks to all the users for making it what it is! 


PS: You can now access this page at  ;)
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