What is it?
Well thats easy, it's a kernel extensions (kext) installer and manager with the ability to undo/rollback from the gui or using single user mode boot and running a single dynamic script! The script is "./SRTrestorelast"
What does it do?
Well for those of us that play, install, change and optimize lots, I wanted the ability to simply undo and still undo in the event of a non-boot problem. So basically it should save people from messing around for hours and re-installing.
What is history/action?
Well, everytime you install a kext, disable and existing one, enable one or simply remove one or many from /System/Library/Extensions this is classed as an action. This tool will log and save those actions for easy rollback/undo if you happen to make mistakes (like me)!
How many actions will it save?
Well that number is unlimited, but there are ways to optimize the actions/history list so that you're not looking at all the actions you EVER did!
StingRay has asked that the community contribute their ideas for the next version. For all feedback, bug reports, and general comments, please use this thread in the tonymacx86 Forum. And don't forget to thank him personally in the tonymacx86 Chat.
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